
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 17 January 21 January 2022


Storytelling session on ‘Unity in Diversity'-18.01.2


Activity on ‘Ch’ ( letter blend) – Collect objects starting with the blend and compose a story-21.01.22

Class I:

Coin tracing activity-17.01.22,

-  20.01.22

Class II:

Creative writing on ‘  The Importance of Trees’ -19.01.22

Poem recitation - Upside Down 21.01.22

Class III:


Role Play activity on the chapter – Little Ann in London -21.01.22

Weather chart activity-18.01.22

Capacity chart activity using waste materials-19.01.22

Class IV:

Newspaper activity on Conjunctions-18.01.22


Class V:

Virtual Science Lab activity for science experiments-21.01.22

Scavenger Hunt activity – Track down Adverbs-17.01.22

Quiz on Conversion questions-20.01.22

Class VI:

Quiz based on Desert Animals – Journey through the Desert-19.01.22

Letter writing to the local councillor- 18.01.22

Quiz in Algebra-19.01.22


Class VII:

Presenting a PPT on Media-19.01.22

Derive a formula to find the area of a circle-18.01.22

Class VIII:

Quiz on Factorisation-17.01.22

Role play on the theme ‘Freedom Fighters’- 20.01.22


Staff meetings

English Departmental meeting: Monday, 17 January at 11:30 a.m.

Hindi Departmental meeting: Thursday, 20 January at 11:30 a.m.

Mathematics Departmental meeting:  Friday, 21 January at 11:30 a.m.

General Staff Mlmeeting:  Friday, 21 January at 5 p.m.