
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 08 November & 12 November 2021

Preschool: English Rhyme Presentation- 12.11.2021


Pre-Primary: Activity – Making of  biscuit canapes- 11.11.2021


Class I: Activity – Making picture frames- 9.11.2021


Class II: Multiplication magic activity-11.11.2021

Hindi creative writing-12.11.2021


Class III: Quiz on Adjectives- 11.11.2021


Class IV: Letter writing- 9.11.2021

Talk on migratory birds-11.11.2021


Class V: Quiz on Tenses -8.11.2021

Talk on types of spices and their uses-12.11.2021

Class VI: Shadow formation activity-11.11.2021

Dialogue writing and enactment using puppets-12.11.2021


Class VII: Collection of newspaper articles relating to water shortage-9.11.2021

Class VIII: Activity to show the charging of an object-12.11.2021


Staff meetings


English departmental meeting: Monday, 8 November at 11:30 a.m.

Hindi departmental meeting: Thursday, 11 November at 11:30 a.m.

Mathematics departmental meeting:  Friday, 12 November at 11:30 a.m.

General staff meeting:  Friday, 12 November at 5 p.m.