
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 07 February 11 February 2022

Preschool: Show and Tell activity on ‘I am a Flower.’ 08.02.22


Pre-Primary: Sunflower paper craft-07.02.22


Class I:

Activity on Preposition of Place -09.02.22,

Mental Math Quiz-11.02.22


Class II:

Hindi poem recitation-08.02.22

Quiz on Articles-11.02.22


Class III:

Presentation on ‘Ways of Thanksgiving in our daily lives’-07.02.22

  - -11.02.22

Quiz on Fractions-07.02.22


Class IV:

Class Presentation: Entomologist for a day-


Quiz on English grammar concepts-09.02.22

Quiz on Exotic birds-10.02.22


Class V:

Slogan writing on ‘ ’-10.02.22

E-mailing a leave application10.02.22

Class Presentation on ‘Precautionary measure during an earthquake’-07.02.22


Class VI:

Poster making on the topic – Digital Citizenship-09.02.22

Science - Presentation on ‘Garbage In and Garbage Out’-10.02.22


Class VII:

Science – Demonstration and Calculation of Percolation of water in soil-09.02.22

Comparing and Ordering a Rational numbers' maze-08.02.22


Class VIII:

Presentation on the Solar System-07.02.22 Direct and Inverse Proportion Ladder-10.02.22


Staff meetings

English departmental meeting: Monday, 7 February at 11:30 a.m.

Hindi departmental meeting: Thursday, 10 February at 11:30 a.m.

Mathematics departmental meeting:  Friday, 11 February at 11:30 a.m.

General staff meeting:  Friday, 11 February at 5 p.m.