
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 06 December 10 December 2021

·         Preschool

Story telling on animals using puppets on 9.12.21

·         Pre-Primary 

Making Choco pops on 7.12.21

·         Class 1  

Making a broomstick from old newspapers on 7.12.21

Making dustbins using waste tins/ glasses on 9.12.21

·         Class 2

Craft on things we get from trees on 9.12.21


·         Class 3

Fun with Fractions using paper folding on 8.12.21

Making a Family Tree using MS Word on 9.12.21

·         Class 4

Class skit on Value Education: LOVE AND TIME on 7.12.21

Environmental Science:  Lab Class- Experiments on soil formation on 8.12.21

Informal letter to Santa on 9.12.21


·         Class 5

Group Presentation for India's freedom movement and its leaders on 7.12.21

Composing a comic story on 8.12.21

·         Class 6

Creating a poster on the benefits of being a part of The Indian School-second shift on 9.12.21

Making an electrical circuit on 10.12.21


·         Class 7

Demonstration of the movement of water using a herb on 9.12.21


·         Class 8

Demonstration of the conduction of electricity by various liquids on 10.12.21

Social science integration with Mathematics- Architecture and Practical Geometry on 9.12.21


Class 1 – Class 8 : Periodic Test II till 8 December 2021


Staff Meetings


English departmental meeting – Monday December 6, 2021, at 11:30 am

Mathematics departmental meeting – Tuesday December 7, 2021, at 11:30 am

Science departmental meeting – Wednesday December 8,2021, at 11:30 am

Hindi departmental meeting – Thursday December 9, 2021, at 11:30 am

General Staff Meeting – Friday, December 10, 2021, at 5 pm