
Trash fashion parade - Pre primary

Dear Parents,

Reuse, Recycle and Reinvent for a greener tomorrow!

We believe in ingraining in our children, a love for nature and a responsibility for protecting the planet and for this we propose to do the following.

We invite you to dress your child for a Trash Fashion Parade on Friday, 26th April19. The students will come dressed in a costume created from discarded items commonly available at home. Each child will also speak a line or two ( or alternately sing a rhyme) about what he/ she represents and the materials that have been used to create the costume.

As the name suggests, the costume must be made of only waste and recycled materials ( newspaper/old cloth swatches/old plastic bottles, cartons, gift tags and ribbons, cans, used wrapping paper tetra packs, broken beads, string, and buttons etc. In fact anything that can be reused.) So do let your imagination run riot with your child!

The Indian School-Second Shift