

28th December 2018

Dear Parents,

A sustained campaign has been undertaken by Delhi Traffic Police through advertisements in leading newspapers, appealing to parents to avoid sending their children in overloaded hired vans and undertaking road safety education programmes to ensure that their children are transported safely to and from school.

It is of utmost importance that parents / guardians provide safe and legal transport to their school going children.

Parents are requested to refrain from sending their children in illegally run private buses/ vans/cabs which can prove dangerous or even fatal owing to a non-adherence of motor vehicle laws.  

Please also note the following mandatory rules in this regard:

1. The dropping time for children using private cabs is not earlier than 15 minutes before school starts.

2. Parents should provide private bus/ van/ cab drivers verification to School if not submitted already.

3. Parents should ensure that there is a lady attendant/mother-volunteer always present in the van.

4. That the maximum number of children in the van is limited as per norms based on type of vehicle.

5. There must be no use of illegal/over loaded vehicles for transporting of their school going children.

6. The parents should actively check and take steps when school informs them of any anomaly observed in regard to any vehicle ferrying children to and from school.

7. In case of all vehicles hired by parents, the drivers character and antecedent verification is to be provided to the school by the parents.


It has also been observed that in the afternoon, van drivers bring additional drivers with them and once the children are handed over, they divide the children into multiple vans. Also as per the convenience of the van drivers the children are dropped off outside the School gate well before time in the morning as well as at an undue distance from the gate.

Parents are advised to monitor the drivers deployed personally, to ensure the safety of the children.

These guidelines have been shared with you as per the safety norms issued by the Transport Department and the Directorate of Education.




I have carefully noted the above guidelines in regard of safety norms, issued by the Transport Department and the Directorate of Education.

I understand that observing the guidelines is imperative for the safety and security of my ward and I undertake to adhere to the same.


Name of Student : ______________________________________Class & Section : ______________