
Star of the week

Dear Parents,

The “Star of the Week’ programme is an exciting opportunity for your child’s classmates to discover him/ her in an ‘ edutaining’ way. Remember the children are all recent friends, – thus, who better than the parents to foster the familiarity and help friendships of a lifetime!

Your child’s class teacher will be in touch to plan out a week at School.    

Your child will be “ Star of the Week” during the week specified. Kindly make a note of the following points to be kept in mind.

  • The star will wear home clothes on the day he/she is made ‘star’. The child will come to School as per the regular time.
  • The parents of Mynah and Sparrow to come to School - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. ( Class teacher will indicate the day for your visit)
  • The parents may carry a camera / handy cam.
  • Please bring the star child’s photo album or collage to show it to his/her classmates. Prior notice must be given to the class teacher through the almanac, if assistance required so that the teacher can prepare for the said programme This will ensure the full value of your time with the children.
  • Parents may bring small gifts for students of the class- value must not exceed Rs 10 per child. (optional)
  • The parents may gift 3D Pictorial Story Books/ Wooden blocks/Puzzles for the class.  optional) 
  • Laptop activities do not go well with the children, so kindly avoid the same.
  • “Star of the Week” is not a birthday celebration so please do not mistake it as one. Cake cutting is not allowed at School.

Thank you and looking forward to a joyous collaboration.