
Sports Coaching Circular- Evening

Dear Parents,


Our School believes in laying continuous emphasis on sports activities as an integral part of the curriculum, in fact, daily life. In the same direction, we are again pleased to announce another special sports’ coaching programme as follows:


 SPORTS                                                    TIMINGS                                                           DATE

1) Football                                  5:30 pm to 6:45 pm                             (Monday to Friday) II to IX

2) Throwball/ Volleyball              5:30 pm to 6:45 pm                             (Monday to Friday) II to IX


Students interested may register their names and deposit a fee of Rs. 2,000 (cash or by cheque) for 20 days from 2nd May 2022 till 31st May 2022, along with a consent slip signed by the parent to the class teacher by 25th April 2022. Students should avail the opportunity to enroll in the special programme.


Volleyball/Throwball - Ms. Sonali

Football - Mr. Suraj




Consent Slip

My ward _______________________ of class & section _______ would like to enroll for the Football/ Throwball/Volleyball Sports coaching camp from 2 May - 31 May, 2022.

Residence Address: __________________________________   Mobile No: _________________

Parent’s Name: _____________________________________   Signature:   _________________