
Rhyme Recitation Circular - Preschool (2019-20)

Dear Parents,

Rhymes are an integral part of Preschool education as they help children learn language, enhance vocabulary and build musical skill.

Keeping this in mind, TFS is holding an intra class English Rhyme Recitation Presentation for the Preschool children on 26th July, 2019,Friday.

Kindly help your child prepare any one rhyme from the Rhyme and Rhythm book (pages 6 to 12).

Please also take note of the following:

  • Students to attend in School uniform.
  • Props are optional, if used these should be manageable independently by the child.
  • Students need to introduce themselves and their rhyme.
  • Introduction, Voice modulation, Confidence, Pronunciation, Speech clarity and Expression will be the parameters for judgement.

The Indian School-Second Shift