
Pre School & New Admissions Of Pre Primary

TFS/ 2015-16/1 March15

Dear Parents,

We welcome you and your child to the TFS family. In order to derive maximum benefit from all academic and co-curricular activities, we would like you to keep the following points in mind:

a) The school timings are from 12.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m (Summer) &12.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m,(Winter)from Monday to Friday. All Saturdays are holidays. Please ensure that your child reaches the school at 12,20 p.m. to avoid being late. The school gates will be closed at 12:35 pm,after which no child will be allowed in.

b) If you are coming to pick your child after School, please collect her / him from the front gate of the school. No parent/escort will be allowed to enter the school premises without a prior appointment.

c) Please bring your child to school on the day mentioned in the admission handout (green sheet).

d) In case your child is using private transport, he/she will exit from the side gate.

e)Please ensure that your child comes neatly dressed to school. The sports uniformis to be worn every Wednesday. The child should bring the following in her / his school bag everyday: 1. School Almanac 2 .I. Card 3. Handkerchief.

f) To keep the classroom and herself / himself clean, the child must be taught some basic lessons in cleanliness at home. The child must carry a handkerchief and must know how to use it. Whenever the child wants to visit the washroom, she / he must ask the teacher and not dirty the classroom. It is essential that your child is toilet trained. Every child should carry a water bottle and know how to open and drink from it. Kindly refrain from sending expensive or fancy items that the child finds difficult to use.

g) You are requested to go through the Rules, Regulations and General Information in the school almanac.Please fill in all the required details on the cover and inside the almanac.

h) As a matter of PRIORITY, please inform the class teacher and the office immediately if there is a change in address and / or telephone no (s), so that it is easy to contact you in an emergency.

i) You are requested to check the almanac of the child everyday to see if any important note or circular has been sent by the teacher.

j) Absence is viewed very seriously. In case your ward is absent on a particular day, a leave note mentioning the reason of absence should be sent to the class teacher the next day in the almanac. For absence of more than a day, the class teacher should be informed via email or a note in the Almanac. Leave for four (04) days or more has to be sanctioned by the Head Teacher, failing which the student will not be allowed to attend school after the leave period, and her/his name will be struck off the rolls. .No child will be permitted to leave theSchoolcampus before time.

k) Fee circulars are updated regularly on the website as appliacable.

l) We will provide all the assignment sheets, practice notebooks and stationery to the students through the year.

m)We will also provide you the syllabus pamphlet , which outlines the scholastic and nonscholastic activities for the year. Please refer to it regularly.

n) Our school is aNo Polybagzone. Please help us byNOTsending anything in polybags.

o) Every Tuesday is observed as Nude Food day.(Nude Food is simply food that is not wrapped in foil, plastic, disposable spoons,napkins or commercial packaging. )Do not send any snacks or food which will produce trash.

p) All students are expected to converse in English while in school. It is advised that one parent should always converse in English with the child at home. This will help the child gain confidence in spoken English and also increase her/his vocabulary. Dinner time should be family time, to discuss the events of each members day instead of watching television. This will strengthen the bond amongst the family members.

q) Every class has a Class Library which is built with books brought in by the students. You are requested to send a book /books that your ward has read, for this library. Reading at home should be encouraged as a regular activity. We will help with a recommended reading list.

r) We encourage parents of thePre-Schoolto take part actively in the Star of the Day activity. Parents are invited to celebrate their child's birthday in the class. They chat with the class and tell them more about their child- his/ her family, pets, if any and home, his/ her favourite activities and things etc. A favourite food may be homemade and carried for the class on the occasion.ONLY two toffees per student may be handed out. Requests for class parties and /or other gifts cannot be entertained.

s)The Read Aloud Program is a flagship program that encourages parent connect with the School. Parents are urged to spare time to read aloud stories to children - from P.S to class III.

t) If your ward travels to and from school in a private van, please ensure that the driver and conductor are licensed; the vehicle is well-maintained and registered with the RTA, and NOT running on LPG.

We shall be in touch with you throughout the year through circulars and notes. You are requested to visit the school websitewww.thefoundationschool.edu.in regularly as a lot of circulars will be uploaded only on the website and not sent home as a hard copy. This step has been taken to minimise the use of paper.

In case you wish to meet the Head Teacher, you are welcome to come on any working day with prior intimation, between 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. You can meet the Class Teacher on any working day between 10:45a.m & 11.00a.m ONLY, with prior intimation. We encourage close interaction between the parents & the School, for the best benefit of the child.

Your trust and encouragement is our greatest motivation.

Ms.Susan Thomas

Head Teacher

The Indian School-Second Shift