
Pre primary Circular for Story telling Session

Dear Parents,

Listening to stories is ‘edutainment’ and narrating them is an art! We thus spare no opportunity to usher our children to engage in this endeavour and for this, we have planned a English Story Telling Session in the classroom on Thursday, 20 February 2020. Please note the following points so that the child is well prepared for the fun filled learning. -Participation in the Story Telling Session is strongly recommended. -Students to come in School uniform. -They can carry properly labelled manageable props only. -Any short story can be narrated in English. -You can either choose from one of the given choices/options, or any other age appropriate story of your choice. For example, Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Hare and The Tortoise. Looking forward to your cooperation and an enthusiastic performance by the little ones!


The Indian School-Second Shift.