
Parent speak...

Dear TFS teachers,
As a kid, I too had my favorite teacher syndrome, which still exists somewhere.
I think thats a bold statement, I am making, or maybe the confession I have made to myself, but always been scared to share it with Aayan, as I was in constant fear that he might feel the sense of discrimination in his classroom.
Because what goes in the classroom is not just the studies, but a flood of emotions, expectations, dreams and the aspirations, which nurture the minds and hearts of these little munchkins, who take teachers as their role-models, hence I didn't want to violate that feeling.
I know you all invest that EXTRA thing to make it bigger for the kids, and this very aspect make you a teacher for, 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, 366 days a year.
But somewhere I was very scared to ask Aayan about his favorite teacher, but yesterday he came home, almost hopping with excitement, to make a card for his teacher, so finally the question was popped, and his answer was, Mumma, I dont think if I dislike any teacher, because, in every class, I learn something new, so all our my favorites, but I want to give my card to Nilanjana Maam as she has asked us not to bring anything, but give her something from our first salaries, this made me realize that how much she has a faith in us, and I have to prove myself.
I was spellbound for a while, and this made me again believe that my selection of TFS was not a wrong choice at all
So to all the teaching and non-teaching staff and especially Susan Maam, you all are the source of trust, reliability, and hope, not just for kids, but for the parents as well.
So thank you from deep within my heart, for your dedication, knowledge, expertise, and stability.
You do one of the hardest and most important jobs in the world, directly impacting and inspiring thousands of lives over the course of your career.
Thank you for caring about each and every student and for being a role model for them.
You truly deserve to be celebrated.
Happy Teacher's Day


Henna Zakir