
Parent consent required

Dear Parent,
Our School  is in its sixth year and we wish to spread the word about the variety and quality of the work we do- the pedagogy, the multifarious co curricular activities, experiential learning, Citizenship, Skype classrooms and collaborative projects with schools all over the world, etc.

We will need to use photographs and videos of the activities conducted by the School and the children participating in these, for such publicity, including on social media platforms. For this we seek your consent as below.

Kindly fill in the form below and mail it to us  by Friday 13th September, 2019.

Name of child -----------------------------


Name and signature of parent------------------------

Tel No-----------------------------

Email of parent _____________________

Consent Slip 

 The Indian School-Second Shift,

I have no objection to the School using my child's photograph/video for educational purposes/ skype sessions/ online projects and school collaborations on the social media.


Parent signature