
Notification and consent slip re National Deworming Day.

As per the directions of the Child Division of the MoHFW, GOI, the National De-worming Programme is being implemented in both Govt./Govt. Aided & Private school from 1st to 9th April 2022 (National Deworming Delhi).

In the said Programme, a single dose of Albendazole chewable tablets will be distributed to all students of Nursery to class 12. The Albendazole tablet will be given to school children in the presence of the class teacher from 6th to 9th April 2022. If you wish that your child is given the said tablet, kindly complete and send back the following consent slip.


I , father/mother of ____________________of class _____ sec________ permit my ward to collect the deworming tablet ALBENDAZOLE from School between 6 and 9 April 2022.

I undertake hereby that in the event of any untoward incident/ reaction in the context of the above, I shall not hold School responsible.

Parent signature with date: