
Movie Circular ( Pre-school- Class 2)

Dear Parents,

Children are fascinated by animals and are always curious to know more about them! For an exercise in edutainment, we plan to take our Pre-School - Class 2 students to watch The Lion King, on Monday, 16th September, 2019 at a nearby Cineplex during School hours.

If you are inclined to send your ward, kindly complete and submit a hard copy of the consent form below along with Rs 300 by Fri 13 Sept. The cost covers the ticket, a drink and popcorn.

You can send the consent form with the amount in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name and class. Kindly staple the envelope in the almanac.

The Indian School-Second Shift

Consent Slip

I ___________________________ parent of __________________________, student of Pre-Primary/Pre-School/Class1/Class 2 students  Section _______, consent to send my ward for the movie ‘The Lion King’ on 16 September, 2019.

While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure the safety and well being of my child yet in case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold the School or any individual responsible for the incident.

Signature of Father ______________________    Mother ____________________
Date: __________                Phone No. (F) __________________                 (M) __________________