
Monsoon Wooding @ the Eco farm for classes 6 to 8

As we all battle with the rising humidity in the Monsoon weather, we reach out to seek support for a Monsoon Wooding Campaign. Before we talk about why Monsoon Wooding, here is a quick snapshot of what the current situation is -

  • Air quality in Delhi continues to be ill unhealthy and toxic with high levels of PM2.5 .
  • Last year, 4759 trees were felled in the National Capital region for our 'development' .
  • Living in Delhi equals to smoking over twenty cigarettes every single day just by breathing the air around us.
  • We are breathing twelve to sixteen thousand litres of toxic air daily and doing absolutely NOTHING about it.

It is with this concern and thought that the School runs Monsoon Wooding every year. We planted about  500 saplings  in the form of forest and garden last year . This year, we need to do much more and can't do it without our students.

Students of classes 6,7 and 8 will visit the School Eco Park for a round of tree plantation. They will get an opportunity to breathe in the bracing fresh air, work with the soil and sing to the beat of a hangdrum even as they learn about ecology and sustainability in the lap of nature. 

Date : Monday 26th August 2019

Cost- Rs. 300  which will include transport and a snack.

Timings: 7.30 am to 2.00 pm

Those interested may deposit the amount and a signed consent form with the class teacher by Tuesday 13th August’19



Consent Slip


I ___________________________ parent of __________________________, student of Class -------Section _______, permit my ward to participate in the School excursion to the School Eco Park on  Monday 26   August 2019.

While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure otherwise, in the case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold anyone responsible.

Signature of Father ______________________ Mother ____________________


Date: __________ Phone No. (F) __________________ (M) __________________