
Guidelines for the students during the Half Yearly Examination 2020 - 21

1.    Prep leave for classes I-V from 12- 15 September 2020.

2.    Prep leave for classes VI-VIII from 11-13 September 2020.

3.    Time of examination for I-IV— 12:30 P.M. Link of the examination will be shared by 12:15 P.M.

4.    Time of examination for V-VIII— 2:00 P.M. Link of the examination will be shared by 1:45 P.M.

5.    Students are required to be seated in School uniform during the examination.

6.    Use of unfair means during the examination will lead to the cancellation of the paper.

7.    Students are required to turn on their cameras for the entire duration of the examination.