

The Indian School-Second Shift


Dear Parents,

The Fee schedule for the Period August to November-2015 for your ward is as under.

Fee Head Pre-School Pre-Primary Class I to V
TuitionFee Rs.3500x4=Rs 14000/- Rs.3500x4=Rs 14000/- Rs.3500x4=Rs.14000/-
Earmarked levies - - Rs. 290x4= Rs. 1160/-
TotalPayable Rs.14000/- Rs.14000/- Rs.15160/-

Your cheque in favour of `The Indian School-Second Shift may be dropped in the box placed at the main gate of School latest by 31 July, 2015. Kindly ensure that the name of child, admission no., class, section and your contact number is mentioned on the reverse of the cheque. receipt will be issued on demand.

Online (NEFT) fee submission facility is available with Andhra Bank. The details are given below.


Detail for online fee deposit for All classes

Name of the Bank Andhra Bank

Address B-223 Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi-110048

MIICR Code 110011031

Title of Account The Indian School-Second Shift

Account No. 125810100021930

IFSC/NEFT Code ANDB0001258


An e-mail confirmation is mandatory for a NEFT fee deposit on thefoundationschool.tfs@gmail.com

Please indicate the Name, Admission No.band Class of the child , amount transferred, date and remitters name to co-relate with your wards name.


Thank you,
