
Excursion for class III: Rail Museum

Subject Linkage: History and Science

Objective:  To develop an understanding of how locomotives developed down the ages with a real time visit to see specimens from each phases of their development. The excursion complements what is taught in the classroom and will build curiosity amongst the children about the world around us.

National Rail Museum houses a fascinating collection of over 100 real life exhibits of the Indian Railways. Static and working models, signalling equipments, antique furniture, historical photographs and related literature. A line-up of old coaches includes the handsome Prince of Wales Saloon, built in 1875.The star attraction is the Fairy Queen, built in 1855 and considered one of the best preserved steam locomotive engines of her age. A ride in the joy train is also an exciting experience.

Date of visit: Monday, 3 February,2020

Timings: 1pm to 4bpm

Transport Cost: Rs. 100

Entry Fee: Rs. 5

Joy train ride: Rs. 20

Total Cost: Rs. 125 per student

Please note that the last day for submission of the consent slip and payment is Friday, 31st January, 2020



Consent Slip

I ______________________parent of ________________________, student of class III section ________, consent to send my ward on the School excursion to the National Rail Museum on 3rd February, 2020.

While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any efforts to ensure otherwise, in case of any untoward incident, I shall not hold anyone responsible.

Signature of Father: _________________Mother:___________________