
Covid Prevention Advisory

Dear Parents,
Keeping the prevailing Covid situation in mind, including the recent rise in the number of cases,  the following guidelines are to be strictly adhered to.
1. All students must wear a well fitting mask and carry a spare mask and hand sanitiser.
2. If any student is sick, even if with a mild cold / cough/ headache/ stomach ache etc., he or she must not attend School.
3. Social distancing must be followed rigorously by all students.
4. Incase you receive a call from the School medical room about your child not being well at School, please ensure that  you arrange collect him or her from School as soon as possible.
5. Incase anyone in the family is Covid positive or has symptoms, the child should not be sent to School.
 6. Respiratory etiquette like covering the mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief, must be followed.
7. Sharing tiffin or water bottle by students is not allowed.
8. The School premises are sanitised thoroughly by machine on a regular basis.
9 Please inform the School by email to contactus@theindianschool-secondshift.in  in case  your child is diagnosed with Covid. 
Take care and stay safe. You are all very precious.
The Indian School Second Shift.