
Clas 1 Excursion

Venue: Waste to Wonder Park

Curriculum Links: EVS, Art and Craft, Citizenship

Objective: To enhance the creative thinking skills of the children by showing them replicas of the Seven Wonders of the World, created from industrial and other waste. A visit to this park will help the children understand that something created from scrap materials can look so surreal. The children will have the fun filled experience of talking a walk along the ‘Seven Wonders of the World’ and understanding the importance of the 3 R’s i.e. Recycle, Reduce and Reuse.

Transportation Cost- Rs. 100/

Entry Fee- Rs. 25/-

Total Cost- Rs. 125/-

Date: Wednesday, 28th August 2019

Timing: 12:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Those interested may deposit the amount and a signed consent form with the class teacher by Wednesday 21st  August’19


Consent Slip


I ___________________________ parent of __________________________, student of Class I Section _______, permit my ward on the School excursion to ‘WASTE TO WONDER PARK scheduled on  28TH  August 2019. While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure otherwise, in the case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold any one responsible.


Signature of Father ______________________ Mother ____________________


Date: __________ Phone No. (F) __________________ (M) __________________