

Dear Parents, 

The countdown to Annual Day has begun and there is much excitement and anticipation in the air!  We appreciate and commend the cooperation extended by you all so far. Kindly lend your support as per the details below so that the show culminates as a resounding success. 


Please adhere to the following school timings for the participants, to enable a smooth show.

23 February, Thursday: 8 am- 11:30 am for rehearsal
24 February, Friday: 8 am - 11:30 am for rehearsal
25 February, Saturday: 8am- 11:30 am (final show)

It will be a holiday for the non-participants  of  Class 2, Class 1, Pre Primary and Pre School on 23rd and 24th February.

Please note the following points carefully.

  • Please drop your child at School at 8 am sharp on all the above dates.
  • The child must come to School on 25 February, wearing the costume and the prescribed makeup.
  • Parents of the participants to be seated by 9:45 am on 25 February.
  • Entry for parents will be through the back gate.
  • The child must wear the School jacket over the costume to protect from the chill at the time of arrival. Kindly ensure that the jacket is labelled with a permanent marker.
  • The child must wear a full thermal under his/her costume (vest & leggings in skin/grey colour).
  • (Continued)
  • Please ensure that your child has completed his/ her toilet routine so that he/she has an uninterrupted performance.
  • For security reasons, all parents must carry the School invite to attend the function. The same will be handed over to the participants a few days before the show. Only 2 persons per card will be permitted to attend.
  • Please DO NOT plan to leave the premise before the programme is over.  
  • NO child will be handed over to the parents before the programme is over.
  • DISPERSAL will be as follows.

Pre Primary and class 2 from the Basketball court

Pre school and class 1 from Kota Niwas

  • Parents are requested not to take photographs as School has arranged an official photographer. Photos and a video recording will be made available post the function. ( School will inform the parents once ready.)


Please ensure your ward carries a labelled water bottle and a light snack on the rehearsal days mentioned above.

On Saturday, 25 February, School will provide refreshments to the participants.

Attendance on all the above three days is compulsory for participants.

We look forward to your co-operation to make this annual event a smashing success.
