
Appreciation Mail

Subject: Express Gratitude to teacher's of Grade 3

From: Sabin Syed

Respected Principal Ma'am

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every subject teacher of Grade 3 and specially to Class teachers' of Section A and C, i.e Shikha ma'am and Neelima ma'am, for their continued support and constant efforts to ensure the best of knowledge to be imparted to the students, during these challenging times.

My children,  Evan Snehil and Riona Snehil, are part of "The foundation school" family, currently enrolled in 3-C and 3 A respectively. At the beginning of the online session, my husband and I had some apprehensions, as we both are medical professionals, and could not be available to aid the kids in online education.

Albeit, owing to the guidance, support and innovative efforts,including and not limited to podcasts, presentations,experiential learning activities, educational games, public speaking classes etc from all the teachers' viz Shikha ma'am, Neelima ma'am,Rekha ma'am, Tincy ma'am,Aarti ma'am, Anupriya ma'am, Sonali Ma'am,the kids are able to enhance knowledge and gain confidence. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate each one of you on an extremely inclusive and well thought curriculum.

Another activity which highlighted the hard work and beautiful collaboration among students and teachers was the conducted exhibition for different subjects. It was an extremely well put show. To conclude
I would once again extend my regards and gratitude for taking care of our kids' in such a compassionate manner.

Best Regards
Dr. Sabin
Consultant - Project Coordinator


Dear Parent,

Thank you for your appreciation and encouragement! It goes a long way in motivating us to persist at raising the bar, as it were, for the best develpment of our children.

Collaboration between the parents and the teachers in particularly valuable for achieving the best outcomes and thus your support is precious.

With our best wishes for the festive season ahead.

The Indian School-Second Shift.